Thursday, February 25, 2010

Kissed by an angel

Hello everybody reading this! Its me BloggerAngel27. Im here to talk to you about the best book of all time.'Kissed by an angel'. Now if you have read this book before than you guys need to calm down. Stop jumping up and down and Stop Crying[Just like i did when i read the book]! I love this book. Its the best book of all time. There is deception, love, suspense and everything else that should be in a good book. If you hav'nt read the book then DONT READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I;m just kidding you can read this but if you have not read the bopok I would advise you not to read this. I am about to give my opinion on EVERYTHGING!!!!!!!!!!! Since its going to take a while These blogs will be seperated into seperate blogs. Hope you enjoy.
Okay fisrt of all, we have to start with the main chick of the whole shabang!!!! Your leading lady, Ivy Loyns!!!!!!!!!! Okay well Ivy is a self contructed teenanger with a single mother and a nine your old brother, Phillip. But we will talk about him later. Okay Ivy.......Ivy, ivy, ivy. In my opinion this needs help. First of all she is all lonly with her friends Beth and Suzanne. She needs a man! When one comes up she goes and hides even more. Tristan Is the example of the perfect boyfriend. Like the one's in Melrose place or in the 90210's. Maybe the one you could fine in the beverly hills. But we will also get to him later. Ivy Is scared of abandonment. In her own way she kind of loaths in self-pitty. So she can say ''Oh, i dont like anyone here." Then the next thing you know she is all, ''Love you to Tristan Carruthers." IT's mildly sickening. Ivy falls head over heel's in love with Tristan, and he with she. When they are at there happiest, you know at the brink of marriage, and lots of children. Something happens.........TRISTAN DIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is'nt that sad. I mean just reading the book i fell in love with tristan. So you have no idea how sadI was when that happened. After a while of being lonely and watched for, another unexpected things happen......................IVY GET"S WITH GREGORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess not in the bad way but you know? Like they kiss. For the first time they kiss. Okay no thats not true because if you read the book you would know that their first kiss was at Ivy's and Gregorys mom and dads wedding!!!!!!!!! Yeah thats the bad part. They are brother and sister. Well STEP technically. He was drunk anyways. But their fist Kiss-kiss, like passionate kiss was in Chapter 10 book 2. ''The power of love''. OH yeah i am such a nerd. I know all of that. I have read the book about ten times. LITERALLY!!! Anyways, that was my favorite chapter in the second book because I LOVE GREGORY! So its no surprise when i cried, when he died at the end. I was literally crying. I loved him so much. That is what i appreciate. The fact that the book was so well written that I am able to fall in love with a character. Its so awsome. Well i will get more intune with the character of ivy loyns later. Bye-Bye My new Blog followers

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